
The Ovm Java Virtual Machine framework is open source.


  • Ovm-v.1.4 (September, 2009)

    Includes Minuteman RTGC framework which allows to select from newly supported RTGC features: time-based scheduling (periodic, slack, and hybrid - a combination of both), incremental stack scanning, replication or Brooks barrier, incremental object copy, arraylets, memory usage, and GC pause profiling and tracing. Includes also many bugfixes allowing to run most of the Dacapo benchmarks, the pseudo-JBB benchmark, and the new version of the Collision detector benchmark. Sample scripts to build and run with these benchmarks are available here and here.

  • Ovm-v.1.3 (June, 2008)

    Supports hardware interrupt handling in Xenomai/Linux, both as RTSJ events and using non-RTSJ API. Supports access to I/O ports on Linux/x86 via hardware objects. Has software image barrier (easier to debug, more predictable performance overhead). Uses green threads.

  • Ovm-v.1.2.2 (May, 2008)

    Supports native scheduling using pthreads, and thus supports SMP.

  • Ovm-v.1.2.1 (February, 2008)

    Supports plain C code generation, including a C implementation of Java exceptions. Has software null-pointer checks. The precise GC that support lazy pointer stacks is ported to the C implementation of Java exceptions (but still requires C++).

  • Ovm-v.1.2 (January, 2008)

  • Ovm-v.1.01 (February 10, 2006)