Intercontinental Workshop on Aliasing in Object Oriented Systems
Worshop Program

9:00 - 10:25
Performance and Analysis
Chair: John Tang Boyland (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Using Aliasing Information to Predict Real-Time Garbage Collection
Patrik Persson (Lund University)
Partial Redundancy Elimination for Access Path Expressions
Anthony L. Hosking, Nathaniel Nystrom, David Withlock (Purdue University), Quitin Cutts (University of Glasgow) and Amer Diwan (Stanford University)
May Equal: A New Alias Question
John Tang Boyland (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) and Aaron Greenhouse (Carnegie Mellon University)
PAOLA: Program Analysis of Object-Oriented Languages
Wolfram Amme, Markus Schordan, Laslo Böszörmenyi and Wilhem Rossak
10:45 - 12:20 Alias Control and Language Design
Chair: James Noble (Microsoft Research Institute, Macquarie, Sydney)
Flexible Aliasing with Protection
Günter Kniesel, Dirk Theisen (Universtät Bonn)
Confined Types
Boris Bokowski (GMD-First) and Jan Vitek (University of Geneva)
Alias Killing: Unique Variables Without Destructive Reads
John Tang Boyland (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Overcoming Representation Exp osure
David Clarke, James Noble and John Potter (Microsoft Research Institute, Macquarie Universi ty, Sydney)
Implementing "Object Ownership to Order"
Boris Bokowski (GMD-First)
13:40 - 15:40 Designing, Programming and Verifying with Aliasing
Chair: Doug Lea (SUNY, Osowego)
Towards safer aliasing with the Eiffel language
Olivier Zendra and Dominique Colnet (LORIA)
Alias Control is Crucial for Modular Verification of Object-Oriented Programs
Peter Müller and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter (Fernuniversität Hagen)
Constructing Abstract Algebraic Models for Object-Oriented Languages with Aliasing
Phillip M. Yelland (SUN Microsystems)
15:40 -17:45 Unifying Views of Aliasing 
Chair: Paulo Almeida (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
The Objects of Aliasing
James Noble (MRI, Macquarie University, Sydney)