In association with the 13th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'99), Lisbon, Portugal, 14-18 June 1999 | Papers
Workshop Program
Aliasing is endemic in object oriented programming. Because an object can be modified via any alias, object oriented programs are hard to understand, maintain, and analyse. For example, aliasing can cause representation exposure, when an internal implementation object of an aggregate object is accessible outside the aggregate, and argument dependence, when an object's integrity depends upon the state of an aliased object outside its control. These aliasing problems make objects depend on their environment in unpredictable ways, breaking the encapsulation necessary for reliable software components.
On the other hand, understanding aliasing, or more generally, understanding the implicit structure of inter-object references in object-oriented programs, offers many opportunities for improving the implementation of object-oriented systems. The performance of garbage collection, cpu caches, virtual memory, distributed object systems, and object-oriented data bases all depend to some extent on the object-oriented program's aliasing structure.
Aliasing has been extensively studied in areas outside object-oriented programs, but features peculiar to object-oriented programs raise many new issues that have not yet been adequately addressed. In this workshop, we will focus once again on the objects in the "object-oriented" systems that we build, rather than the classes which exist merely to support these objects. We will examine the state of the art in aliasing in object-oriented systems, discuss recent progress, and identify open questions. More specifically, the workshop will address the following issues:
The workshop will be held on the 15th of June 1999, as part of the ECOOP'99 conference taking place in Lisbon, Portugal.
Important Dates
OrganisersJames Noble (Australia) |
Programme CommitteeOle Agesen, (Sun Microsystems Laboratories)Paulo Sergio Almeida, (Universidade do Minho) John Tang Boyland, (U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Laurie Hendren, (McGill University) John Hogg, (ObjecTime) Doug Lea, (State University of New York at Oswego) Rustan Leino, (COMPAQ Systems Research Center) James Noble, (Microsoft Research, Macquarie) Jens Palsberg, (Purdue University) Bill Pugh, (University of Maryland) Jan Vitek, (Université de Genève) |
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