Using the given datasets (and any additional datasets of your choosing) create a model capable of predicting song download numbers (e.g. random forests). Use any technology and algorithm that you like for the task of creating a model.

Explain your design and the process of creating a model in the report. Validate your model and describe its accuracy and performance.


We provide a dataset reflecting prices that should serve as a starting point and a few other recommended helpful datasets.

Price and download information

We provide aggregated information about song downloads from various sources at downloads.csv.gz.


  • artist, title – self explanatory
  • mean.price – average price from various sources
  • downloads – the number of downloads of the song aggregated from various sources
  • confidence – the confidence towards the downloads numbers (values: terrible, bad, average, good, very good, excellent)


Available at: MillionSongDataset website. A summary is available at, but is incomplete.


Available at MillionSongDataset website.


Available at MillionSongDataset website.

Non-functional requirements

The project can be done by individual students, or by groups of up to 3 people.

The model should be packaged as a jar file named model-NAME.jar, where NAME is your name. We assume neu.pdpmr.project.Model as the main class. The jar will be executed using Spark. When executed the model reads a list of songs artists/titles from standard input (one per line, semicolon separated) and returns a download prediction (one per line).

Example execution:

spark-submit --class neu.pdpmr.project.Model model-jan.jar

Example input:

William Shatner; I Can't Get Behind That
Madonna;Like a virgin
Iron Maiden ;Aces High
Tenacious D; Tribute

Example output:


The size of the jar file cannot exceed 100MB (as measured by du). The jar file has to be self-contained—it cannot use external files or libraries (they must be included in the jar file as resources).

Deliverable files:

The report has a page limit of 4 pages.


As part of grading each project team will be asked to give a short presentation to the instructors describing the project. Questions will be asked. You can also be asked to modify a part of the project on the spot.

Extra credit

Constest: the person who submits the most accurate model (tested on a different dataset) will receive extra credit.