The left panel shows the functional features, the main one describes the type system, and the right the object oriented parts.
sbt console
(from Scala Build Tools)scala
)Style guide (please use):
What is Scala’s Unified Object Model?
Basic types:
, Int
, Long
, Short
, Byte
, Float
, Null
, Unit
, AnyVal
, AnyRef
Int => Int
Int => Int => Int
Int => Unit
(Int, Int)
What is the reson for introducing type Unit?
val u: Unit = ()
val n: Null = null
val s: String = null
type Identifier = Int
type Callback = Int => Int
type Vector3D = (Int, Int, Int)
val x = 'A
val y = 'B
+ -
/ % *
Relational and logical:
< > <= >= == !=
|| && !
& | ^ ~
>> << >>>
= *= += -= /=
And more: full list of operators
val x = 5
val s = "spaceship"
val y : Int = 0
Evaluated at definition. Cannot redefine.
x = x + 1
<console>:4: error: reassignment to val
var x = 5
var s = "spaceship"
Evaluated at definition. Can redefine.
x = x + 1
s = "whoosh"
Default value of variable:
var x: Int = _
var y: Boolean = _
var s: String = _
var z: Any = _
def f = 1
def g = 1 + f
def h = (x: Int) => 1 + x
def h: Int => Int = x => 1 + x
Evaluated on use (Every time). Can redefine.
Limits of type inference:
def h = x => 1 + x
<console>:7: error: missing parameter type
def h = (x) => 1 + x
When and why to use val
, var
, def
Everything is an object:
Operators are instance methods:
val x, y = 2
x + y
Removing parentheses from method calls:
val x = 2
x.toString // <==
x toString
Style guide: arity 0, pure methods only (no side effects).
Infix notation:
val s = "something something spaceship"
s.split(" ")
s split(" ")
s split " " // <==
Style guide: arity 1, pure methods only (no side effects). Use especially if the argument is a function.
{ /*...*/ }
A block returns the last evaluated value:
{ 2 + 2 }
{ val x = 2; x }
{ val x = 2; val y = 2; x + y }
{ println("x") }
Variable scope and blocks:
val x = { 2 + 2 } // x → 4
val y = { x + 2 } // y → 6
{ val xx = 8; xx } // x → 8
xx // explosion
{ x; val x = 8 } // explosion
Method definition (in the current object).
def increment(x: Int): Int = {
return x + 1
def increment(x: Int): Int = {
x + 1
def increment(x: Int) = {
x + 1
def increment(x: Int) {x + 1} // → unit
def increment(x: Int) = x + 1
Method nesting:
def outer(x: Int) = {
def inner(y: Int) = y + x
Unit argument:
def f() = 5
def g() = ()
Parameter with default values:
def add(x: Int, y: Int = 1) = x + y
add(1, 1)
Multiple parameter groups and partial application:
var debugLevel = 5
def debug(level: Int)(message: String) { if (level >= debugLevel) println(message) }
debug(5)("a thing is happening")
val warn = debug(0) _
val error = debug(10) _
warn("a meh thing is happening")
error("a bad thing is happening")
var debugLevel = 5
def debug(level: Int)(message: => String) { if (level >= debugLevel) println(message) }
warn("a" + " meh " + "thing is happening")
Function (lambda) definitions:
(x: Int) => x + 1
() => println("Hello World!")
val f1 = (x: Int) => x + 1
val f2 = () => println("Hello World!")
Functions are anonymous.
Functions are objects:
val f1 = (x: Int) => x + 1
Explicit method to function conversion:
def increment(x: Int) = {x + 1}
val f = increment _ // η-conversion aka eta-conversion aka magic
val fs = "s".toString _
Automatic conversion:
def increment(x: Int) = {x + 1}
val x = increment
Watch out when converting arrity 0 methods.
val f = (x: Int) => x * x
val g = (x: Int) => x + 1
f(g(1)) // (x + 1) * (x + 1) = 4
(f compose g)(1) // (x + 1) * (x + 1) = 4
g(f(1)) // (x * x) + 1 = 2
(f andThen g)(1) // (x * x) + 1 = 2
val sum = (a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) => a + b + c
val f1 = sum(1, 2, _: Int)
val f2 = sum(1, _: Int, _: Int)
f2(1, 1)
val typeOf: Any => String = {
case x: Int => "Int"
case x: Double => "Double"
scala.MatchError: spaceship (of class java.lang.String)
at $anonfun$1.apply(<console>:7)
at $anonfun$1.apply(<console>:7)
... 33 elided
What are first-order functions?
What are higher-order functions?
First class functions can be treated as values: assigned to variables, passed by arguments.
val a = (x: Int) => x + 1
val b = a
Higher order function can accept functions as arguments and/or return functions.
val f = (x: Int) => (y: Int) => x + y
val g = (x: Int) => { val z = x + 1; (y: Int) => z + y }
val h = (fun: Int => Int) => fun(1)
Minimal definition:
class Enterprise() {}
Default constructor (creates fields, executes code):
class Enterprise() { // primary constructor
val version = "NCC-1701"
val captain = "Kirk, J. T."
val maxShields = 100
var shieldDmg = 0
def shieldLvl() = {maxShields - shieldDmg}
println("Split all the infinitives!")
Creating objects:
val enterprise = new Enterprise()
- private (visible to class)private[package]
- private (visible to package)private[this]
- private (visible to instance)protected
- protected (visible to class and subclasses)protected[package]
- protected (visible to package)protected[this]
- protected (visible to instance)public
Default visibility is public
vs private[this]
Access in any instance of the class with private
class Spaceship {
private val name = "USS Enterprise"
def compare (e: Spaceship): Boolean = ==
Access only within instance:
class Spaceship {
private[this] val name = "USS Enterprise"
def getName() = name
def compare (e: Spaceship): Boolean = e.getName() ==
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) {
val version = ver
val captain = capt
val maxShields = 100
var shieldDmg = 0
def shieldLvl() = {maxShields - shieldDmg}
val enterprise = new Enterprise("NCC-1701", "Kirk, J. T.")
enterprise.shieldDmg = 10
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) {
def version = ver
def captain = capt
val maxShields = 100
var shieldDmg = 0
def shieldLvl = {maxShields - shieldDmg}
val enterprise = new Enterprise("NCC-1701", "Kirk, J. T.")
enterprise.shieldDmg = 10
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) {
def this() = {
this("NCC-1701", "Kirk, J. T.") // First expression in method
abstract class Constitution() { // extends AnyRef
def shipClass = "Constitution" // or val
def shipName = {}
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) extends Constitution {
override def shipName = "Enterprise"
abstract class Constitution() { // extends AnyRef
var shipClass = "Constitution"
def shipName = {}
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) extends Constitution {
override var shipClass = "Enterprise"
<console>:9: error: overriding variable shipClass in class Constitution of type java.lang.String;
variable shipClass cannot override a mutable variable
override var shipClass = "Enterprise"
trait WarpSpeedCapability {
var currentSpeed = 0
def setCruisingSpeed = { currentSpeed = 2 }
def setMaximumWarp = { currentSpeed = 9 }
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) extends Constitution with WarpSpeedCapability {
override def shipName = "Enterprise"
Solving conflicts:
trait AuxiliaryCraft {
val awayTeamType = "shuttlecraft"
def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
trait Transporter {
val awayTeamType = "transporter"
def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String) extends AuxiliaryCraft with Transporter {
override def awayTeamType = "transporter or shuttlecraft"
override def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
Unreconcileable conflict:
trait AuxiliaryCraft {
var isAwayTeamSent = false
def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
trait Transporter {
var isAwayTeamSent = false
def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
class Enterprise(ver: String, capt: String, maxShld: Int) extends AuxiliaryCraft with Transporter {
override def sendAwayTeam = {
// ...
<console>:9: error: class Enterprise inherits conflicting members:
variable isAwayTeamSent in class AuxiliaryCraft$class of type Boolean and
variable isAwayTeamSent in class Transporter$class of type Boolean
(Note: this can be resolved by declaring an override in class Enterprise.);
other members with override errors are: isAwayTeamSent_=
What restrictions are placed on method identifiers in Scala?
class C {
def < (that: Any): Boolean = {
// ...
Static object definition (singleton):
object universe {
val age: Long = 45L
def getBlackHoles() = {
// ...
Scala does not allow creating static elements outside of static objects.
Companion object (pattern):
class Shipyard {
def makeShip = ???
object Shipyard {
def makeShipyard = ???
def getAllShipyards = ???
When are static objects created?
Defining main
object Something {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Code goes here.
object Something extends App {
// Code goes here.
class RefCell[T] {
private var obj: T = _
def get: T = { obj }
def set(value: T) = { obj = value }
val s = new RefCell[String]
s set "HelloWorld"
s get
val x = new RefCell[Int]
x set 5
x get
Immutable: * tuples * lists * sets * maps * strings
val pair = ("alpha", "beta")
val triple = ("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
val x = pair _1
val y = pair _2
val (x,y) = pair
val riap = pair swap
val pair = "alpha" -> "beta"
val c = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val c = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil
val c = List(1, 2) ::: List(3, 4)
c head
c tail
c last
c isEmpty
c length
c reverse
c iterator
c slice (0, 2)
val s = Set(1, 2, 3, 4, 4)
s contains 1
s - 1
s + 5
s + (6,7)
s empty
val a = Set(1, 2, 3, 4)
val b = Set(3, 4, 5, 6)
a union b // union
a | b // union
a ++ b // union
a subsetOf b
a intersect b // intersection
a & b // intersection
a diff b // difference
a &~ b // difference
a -- b // difference
val r = Range(0, 10)
val r =
val r = 1.until(10)
val r = 1 to 10
val r = 1 until 10
r reverse
r iterator
val m = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)
val m = Map(("a", 1), ("b", 2))
m get "a"
m get "x"
m getOrElse ("x", -1)
m contains "a"
m + ("c" -> 3)
m + ("c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
m ++ Map("c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
m - "a"
m - ("a", "b")
m -- Map("c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
m keys
m values
val arr = new Array[String](3)
arr(0) = "ala"
arr(1) = "ma"
arr(2) = "kota"
val arr = Array("ala", "ma", "kota")
val cube = ofDim[Int](3,3)
cube(0,0) = 1
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedList
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
val s : StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
s append "a"
s ++= "b"
val ls : List[String] = "a" :: "b" :: "c" :: Nil
Covariance: If A is a subtype of B then T[A] is a subtype of T[B].
class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
val animals : List[Animal] = new Dog() :: new Dog() :: Nil
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
val l = List(1, 1, 1 ,1 ,1)
l.fold(0)((acc: Int, elem: Int) => acc + elem)
val ll = List(List(1, 1, 1), List(2, 2, 2))
ll.fold(List[Int]())((acc: List[Int], elem: List[Int]) => acc ::: elem)
Specified folding order:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B
val l = List(1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5)
l.foldLeft(0)((acc: Int, elem: Int) => {println(acc+"+"+elem); acc + elem})
l.foldRight(0)((elem: Int, acc: Int) => {println(acc+"+"+elem); acc + elem})
l.foldLeft(List[Int]())((acc: List[Int], elem: Int) => elem :: acc)
l.foldRight(List[Int]())((elem: Int, acc: List[Int]) => elem :: acc)
val l = List(1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5)
l reduce { (acc, elem) => acc + elem }
l reduceLeft { (acc, elem) => acc + elem }
l reduceRight { (elem, acc) => acc + elem }
val l = List(1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5)
l map { x => x + 1 }
l map { x => x.toString }
val l = List(0, 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5)
l flatMap { x => if (x == 0) List(x) else List(-x, x) }
l flatMap { x => if (x % 2 == 0) List(x) else List() }
val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val even = l filter { x => (x % 2) == 0 }
val odd = l filterNot { x => x % 2 == 0 }
val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val (even, odd) = l partition { x => x % 2 == 0 }
val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2)
l groupBy { x => x % 2 }
l groupBy { x => x }
("to boldly go where no man has gone before" split " ") groupBy { x => x.charAt(0) }
if (x > 0)
z = x
z = -x
while (x > 0)
x -= 1
while (x > 0) {
x -= 1
For loops:
l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
for (i <- l)
for (i <- 1 to 10)
for (i <- 1 until 10)
for (i <- 1 to 10; j <- 1 to 10)
println(i, j)
Loops with filters:
for (i <- 1 until 10 if i % 2 == 0)
for (i <- 1 until 10 if i % 2 == 0; if i % 3 == 0)
Lazy loop execution:
val result = for (i <- 1 to 10 if i % 2 == 0) yield i
Matching by value:
def f(x: Any) = {
x match {
case "1" => 1
case "a" | "A" => 10
case "b" | "B" => 11
case _ => -1
Matching by type:
def f(x: Any) = {
x match {
case i: Int => i
case s: String => {
val lcase = s toLowerCase
val ch = (lcase toCharArray) apply 0
ch - 96
case _ => -1
Matching collections:
def sum (l: Any, r: Int = 0) = {
l match {
case Nil => r
case x :: tail => sum(tail, r + x)
def fuzzyLength (l: Any) = {
l match {
case Nil => "empty"
case _ :: Nil => "one"
case _ :: _ :: Nil => "two"
case _ :: _ :: tail => "more than two"
case _ => "probably not a list"
Conditional matching:
def grade(avg: Double) : String = {
avg match {
case x if x >= 90.0 => "A"
case x if x >= 85.0 => "A-"
case x if x >= 80.0 => "B+"
case x if x >= 75.0 => "B"
case x if x >= 70.0 => "B-"
case x if x >= 65.0 => "C"
case x if x >= 55.0 => "D"
case x if x >= 0.00 => "E"
case _ => "Um... I mean... in a way, I'm impressed."
Case classes:
abstract class BTreeNode
case class Leaf(v: Int) extends BTreeNode
case class ConcreteNode(l: Leaf, r: Leaf, v: Int) extends BTreeNode
def sum(node: BTreeNode): Int = {
node match {
case ConcreteNode(l, r, v) => v + sum(l) + sum(r)
case Leaf(v) => v
Option types:
def f(x: Option[String]) = {
x match {
case None => throw new Exception()
case Some(s) => s.split(" ")
package pl {
package edu {
package put {
package Test {
// ...
import scala.math._
val pair = (2, 3)
val (x, _) = pair
1::2::3::Nil map (e => -e)
1::2::3::Nil map (-_)
val th = new Thread(new Runnable {
def run() {
println("new thread")
th start
println("old thread")
th join
Example, function running in separate thread:
def start[T](expression: => T) = {
val th = new Thread(new Runnable{ def run() { expression } })
th.start; th
start((0 until 100) map {e => println(e * e)})
Concurrent sequence:
var seq = 0
class Incr extends Thread {
override def run () {
seq = seq + 1
(0 until 10) map ((_) => (new Incr).start)
Critical section synchronization:
var seq = 0
class Incr extends Thread {
override def run () {
(this getClass) synchronized {
seq = seq + 1
(0 until 10) map ((_) => (new Incr).start)
A volatile variable:
@volatile var seq = 0
Synchronization primitives from java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
val aint = new AtomicInteger(0)
aint set 1
aint get
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
val l = new ReentrantReadWriteLock
val rl = l readLock
val wl = l writeLock
rl lock
rl unlock
Thread pool:
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
val cores = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(cores)
def toRunnable[T] (expression: => T) = { new Runnable{ def run() { expression } } }
pool.execute{ toRunnable { Thread sleep 1000; println("Hello") } }
pool.execute{ toRunnable { Thread sleep 10; println("World") } }
Thread pool with results and Java-Scala conversion.
def toCallable[T] (expression: => T) = {
new java.util.concurrent.Callable[T]{ def call() = { expression } }
val tasks = ((0 until 100) toList) map (e => toCallable {e * e})
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val jTasks = asJavaCollection(tasks)
val jResult = pool.invokeAll( jTasks )
val result = (asScalaBuffer(jResult) toList) map (e => e.get)
Parallel collections:
val list = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).par
list foreach { e => println(e) }
(list.par) foreach { e => println(e) }
import scala.concurrent.Future
val f: Future[List[Int]] = Future { ((0 until 100) toList) map (e => e * e) }
val f: Future[List[Int]] = Future { Thread sleep 1000; ((0 until 100) toList) map (e => e * e) }
Asynchronous reading from futures.
f onSuccess { case result => println("done!" + result.last) }
f onFailure { case exception => println("fail!" + exception) }
Synchronous reading from futures.
f value
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Await.result(f, 100 seconds)
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
Folding: Future.reduce
, Future.fold
Example of using Futures for concurrency:
val l = (0 until 100) toList
val f = (x:Int) => println(x)
l map { e => Future { f(e) } }
val f = (x:Int) => { println(x); x * x }
l map { e => Future { f(e) } } map { e => Await.result(e, Duration.Inf) }